31 East Darrah Lane
Lawrence Township, NJ 08648

Face and Neck Contouring with NeckTite

No matter how good a fitness regimen is, there’s always some fat that just stubbornly stays put. This fat is appropriately named ‘stubborn fat’. Now, stubborn fat can exist in different areas of the body. For some people, stubborn fat is located in the classic areas, such as the love handles or breasts. But a seldom focused on, yet exceedingly difficult area to deal with stubborn fat is the face and neck areas. With recent improvements to liposuction with the added use of radiofrequency energy, however, this procedure is greatly expedited.

NeckTite is a body contouring technique that uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction. Most people are familiar with liposuction, considering it’s the most popular fat removal technique, but let’s do a little review. As the name suggests, liposuction uses a vacuum (suction) to suck fat out of a given area. Even though only a local anesthesia is usually necessary thanks to the use of a cannula to easily insert the tube, the fact remains that plain, old liposuction or neck lift is still an invasive procedure. But how does the use of radiofrequency affect this at all? Well, NeckTite uses two electrodes, one that is inserted into the skin, and one that stays outside, to liquefy fat. The inner electrode shoots a current into the tissue, generating heat. This heat melts fat, which can then be removed forcibly or just eliminated naturally by the body. The external electrode closes the loop and also monitors body temperature, ensuring the current is safe. The use of radiofrequency energy allows the procedure to be minimally invasive, and thus both less painful and safer for the patient, along with other improvements to liposuction.

What makes NeckTite a good replacement for a neck lift or facelift is the skin tightening caused by the use of radiofrequency energy. To explain further, the electrical energy causes collagen fibers in the skin to contract, and for the skin to remodel itself immediately. This phenomenon results in tighter skin and better-looking contouring very quickly. Also, there is less pain and minimal downtime from NeckTite because of another effect of the treatment, which is the coagulation of smaller blood vessels. This lessens bleeding and bruising and makes the treatment much more comfortable for the patient.

Many studies have been done to evaluate whether NeckTite, and radiofrequency-assisted liposuction in general, is effective. And these studies have been shown that it is not only successful, but was improved compared to normal liposuction and much less of a hassle compared to a full lift, with optimal results being seen twelve weeks after treatment. Of those tested, there were no serious complications, and minimal pain felt. Further, there is minimal downtime for the treatment. Ideal candidates are those looking for small pockets of stubborn fat to be removed from the neck and lower face areas.

If you have any questions about this treatment, or want to schedule an appointment, call our office at (609) 587-9944 or e-mail us at info@sleep-wellness.org.

Tirtho Banerjee 

Tirtho Banerjee is a Johns Hopkins undergraduate studying to become a doctor. He believes medicine should be available to everyone and hopes that educating the public is the first step to realizing that.
